Re: AntiFlash talkd

James M. Golovich (
Wed, 19 Apr 1995 21:22:54 -0500 (CDT)

I dont know about for any other operating systems, but for linux, someone 
wrote or edited a talkd that filters them.. You can ftp it from, it is /pub/Linux/system/Network/chat/talkd.bomb_proof.tgz
I believe there was the source in there.. I am currently running it.. it 
logs them to your syslog like this: 
Apr 19 22:19:26 whitehouse talkd[4694]: blocked 
VT100 BOMB to user: static (apparently from: localhost)

I ran flash localy to the user static.. 

hope this helped

On Wed, 19 Apr 1995, Richard Allen wrote:

> Not so long ago, if my memory serves me correctly, there was a discussion on
> this list about "flash" and talkd's. I would like to know if somebody wrote
> a talkd that filters out the "flashes" and logs them.
> I'll summarize.